Purple Martins, the largest swallows in North America, are found throughout much of the United States and into Canada during the summer. The Western Purple Martin (Progne subis arboricola) is much less common than the Eastern subspecies (P. s. subis) and is uncommon and declining in the West, especially since the arrival of the European Starling in the 1970s. The last remnant of the Central Valley population persists in Sacramento. They arrive near the end of March, and generally nest in “weep holes” under freeway overpasses. By the end of July, nesting season is over, and shortly they head toward their wintering grounds in South America.
Purple Martin, Image by Daniel Lee Brown
Purple Martins can generally be found in the following locations in and near downtown Sacramento:
Sutterville Rd overpass, east of Sacramento City College
Directions to Sutter Rd overpass: From US Highway 50 and US Hwy 99, go south on Hwy 99 for about 1 mi to the first exit, 12th Ave/Sutterville Rd, Exit 297. Turn right and drive west on Sutterville Rd for 0.4 mi to Crocker Dr. Turn right on Crocker Dr and immediately turn left into the parking lot for the shopping center with retail in the front and Safeway Market at the rear. Drive to the back left part of the parking lot where you can see the Sutterville Rd overpass above the railroad tracks. Park here. After parking walk across the dirt lot towards 10th St. Look for the Purple Martins entering and exiting the weep holes under Sutterville Rd. Alternatively head up the stairs next to the Sutterville Rd overpass and view the Purple Martins from the sidewalk on the overpass. Safeway Market Address: 3680 Crocker DriveRamona Ave under Highway 50
Directions to Ramona Ave: From the intersection of US Hwy 50, US Hwy 99, and Business 80, drive east on Hwy 50 for 3.4 mi to the Howe Ave exit, Exit 9. Follow the offramp for 0.2 mi to Howe Ave, then turn right and drive south for 0.15 mi to Folsom Blvd. Turn right and drive westerly on Folsom Blvd for 0.6 mi to State University Dr, a side road on the right. Continue west on Folsom Blvd for 0.1 mi to the intersection with Ramona Ave, a side road on the left. Opposite Ramona Ave, on the north side of Folsom Blvd, is a small paved area adjacent the bike lane. Turn right and park, making sure to not block the bike lane/walkway which accesses the Sac State campus. Park here. Cross Folsom Blvd and walk south to the Hwy 50 overpass of Ramona Ave.
The best time to observe Purple Martins is in early May when they are nest-building, and June and early July when parents are busy feeding young. Researchers have been carefully monitoring Sacramento’s Purple Martins for over 20 years. Decades ago, they nested in tree cavities and buildings throughout the Central Valley until the 1970s, when competition from non-native European Starlings eliminated them as a local breeder except in Sacramento, where their unique adaptation to overpasses and elevated freeways allowed them to persist. Unfortunately, they have declined by over 85% since 2004 presumably due to poor reproduction resulting from reduced insect populations following increased use of neonicotinoid pesticides. Luckily, it is still possible to see these beautiful birds in the Sacramento area and well worth the time. eBird Sightings - Sutterville Rd, Ramona Ave
The Sacramento Audubon Society has been a long-time sponsor of the Purple Martin Project, coordinated by Dan Airola and Dan Kopp, by funding the expenses of participating volunteers monitoring Sacramento’s Purple Martins and supporting publication of Dan’s 2020 book Life Under the Fast Lane: Ecology and Conservation of the Bridge-nesting Purple Martins in Urban Sacramento (available at cvbirds.org). This ongoing study and the recommendations that follow will help conserve this vulnerable population.
Maureen Geiger and Dan Airola