Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge south of Sacramento is beautifully designed for families with small children and those with mobility challenges as it offers a wide, level cement trail that loops through the Refuge. Designed to meet a wide range of mobility needs, the facility includes handicapped parking, accessible restrooms, handicap ramp access from parking lot, and wide level concrete trails. To learn more about the accessibility of this location visit Accessible Birding.
Song Sparrow, Image by Daniel Lee Brown
Birding the site: This varied habitat may produce interesting birds, especially in the fall and winter. The marsh has turned up Green Heron, Sora, Belted Kingfisher, Song Sparrow, and Common Yellowthroat while in the surrounding ag and fallow fields Swainson’s Hawks, Red-tailed Hawks, doves, and meadowlarks can be found. A scope may be beneficial in scanning the surrounding fields and ponds. Several small stands of Milkweed have attracted migrating Monarch butterflies. eBird Sightings
Directions: From Sacramento, drive south on I-5 for 16 miles to Exit 504, Hood-Franklin Road. Turn right and drive west 0.8 of a mile to the NWR entrance on the left. There is a large parking lot and restrooms.
Learn more about the Refuge at U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife website.
Paul Miller